Saving Our Seed

We have received more rain in November than we did in either June, July or August, and those are supposed to be ‘Rainy Season’ months. November is traditionally the first ‘Dry Season’ month, but it has been wet. Unusual weather has been a pattern all over the world! FCOP lost most of our first crop to drought, then the replanting (second crop) was lost to excessive rains in September and October. In total FCOP harvested only about 20% of our crops. Finances have been extremely tight. So, we could not buy our usual, very expensive, foundation seed. Instead, Paul Mok went through this year’s drought damaged crop and hired a dozen local women to hand harvest unpolluted foundation grade seed. FCOP salvaged enough to plant an irrigated crop on 10 hectares (25 acres) to save for seed for next spring. Out of our total 150 acres of third crop planting, where we control enough of the water to guarantee a harvest. The rice is up, looking great, and it saved FCOP over $10,000 in seed cost. BTW, Cambodia just won the contest for the world’s best rice for the 5th consecutive year!
