Stop Human Trafficking


A few happy girls growing up in a family at FCOP’s church home

“What! FCOP is the number one organization for the prevention of “Trafficking” in Cambodia?” I think my mouth fell open, but as a prominent Cambodian businessman started to explain, he talked about something that never occurred to me. “Most of the kids trafficked into the sex trades and into forced labor (slavery) are orphaned, abandoned, or separated children, they have no one to advocate for them. You’ve kept 18,000 kids from being trafficked. Who else has done that much?”  So, we started to check it out. Most of the kids in our care, that we talked to, have been propositioned, or worse, at some point. But, because FCOP is there, as “Parents” to advocate for them, the traffickers know the police would be on them immediately, along with pastors, staff, and dozens of their “brothers and sisters”! (See the side bar story)

We’ve not only prevented trafficking, and slavery, but in multiple cases rescued those entrapped in it. But that has not been our focus, it has been to carry out God’s mandate to “Care for the Orphan, the homeless and the widow”. Do you want to end human trafficking? Help us dry up the source! We are in the process of raising money for some major videos highlighting FCOP’s success in this area. We will be sending out letters soon with more detail, but for many of you we have no land address. If you’re moved to give something to help prevent trafficking, send the money to FCOP through our website.
