The Least of the Least

Pa Thom, Theodore Craig Olbrich, turned 76 on October 10th. Theodore was not his mother’s choice for his name but, it was God’s. His mother always told him it was a mistake; however, his first gift was a “Teddy Bear” and that meant that he was named after President Theodore Roosevelt, of the “Rough Riders” fame.

Pa Thom hates big celebrations in his honor and so he swore the two guys in the office who knew about his birthday into strict secrecy.  Pa Thom had a plan. Theodore means, “Gift of God”; Craig means, “Rock”. When Theodore’s get an idea in their heads, it is set like granite.

David Norton, the son of the late Prophet Bill Norton, had plans to come to Cambodia. He is a teacher and evangelist who moves in the power of the Holy Spirit. The problem is churches are still closed and unable to have large meetings. David arrived in Cambodia on the evening of October 11th. Pa Thom has always had a heart for the ‘least of the least’… (the kids who never have a distant relative to care for them, the guards, cooks, toilet cleaners, plumbers, electricians, grounds keepers, truck-drivers and caregivers who never get invited to anything). David told Theodore that he would fund a meeting and not to worry about the cost. Pa Thom, (Theodore Craig) invited 82 of the ‘least of the least’ to the best buffet in all of Cambodia. It was $23.00 per plate, without drinks. Who were the kings of the event? Two boys who never had anything. There was a surprise birthday cake at the end for Pa Thom, and a fine time was had by all!

BTW, David and his assistant Bogdan, both from Romania, went to Siem Reap and led a very anointed meeting with about 400 pastors and leaders for two days. Thanks David and Bogdan!
