Visit from our Supervisor

FCOP was very happy to welcome Jerry Stott and Paul Vernon (our Foursquare Church supervisors for this region) for a short visit in December. We were able to meet as a Cambodian board with them, show them around our Training Center and offices, and share our desires for the future with them. It was very encouraging to see their active support for the FCOP vision for this nation. Paul had great visits with Shanon Hladek and Bob and Christal Hollandsworth. Jerry and Pa Thom (me) got to share extensively on the topic of deliverance and demonic oppression. This is a subject we both have had a great deal of experience with. Jerry is writing a book on the subject with Leslie Keegel through Foursquare Missions Press. I put together an ‘Outline for Deliverance’ that covers 30 key points used by FCOP pastors involved in deliverance. My points come from 53 years of involvement with deliverance. If the stories that illustrated each point were included, it would fill a book which I have no time to write.
