A Christmas Gift Idea

 In developed nations we often have this question: “What do we give someone for Christmas?” Here is a suggestion: How about a great set of worship songs that are blessing orphans and separated children? “Donate – Create” is one of the most insane sayings to come out of the “Anti-Orphanage Campaign.” Their campaign slogan, “Donate – Create” is the idea that if you donate to help an orphan, you create them. That is nuts! The only way to create an orphan is to kill a parent. Their logic is like saying that if you have a homeless person living under a bridge and you donate to provide him shelter, then you created him. Are they that crazy?  I’d like to suggest a new spin on the term. Yes! “Donate – Create!” Create opportunities for orphaned and separated children to go to school, have a safe place to live, get needed medical care and find love and support. You can do this by purchasing a dozen copies of this album: Go to: http://sandiolbrich.com/shop/
