What’s This Crazy Old Geezer Doing?

This Guy Is Crazy!

The question on everyone’s mind that they are afraid to ask: “What are you still doing on the mission field in your 76th year? I mean most people have been retired for at least ten years at your age!” The truth is that I am about to embark upon the most ambitious project of my life!

These are tough times, but tough times are an opportunity to show how strong our God is! There was a time when the promised land was occupied by giants. Did Caleb run? No! He took the mountain when he was 85 years old. Now granted, Caleb led an army where the oldest soldier was at least 40 years younger than him. Did you know that Caleb was the last man living who had been born in Egypt? He outlived Joshua. So, he was, “The Elder with the vision”. I’m a lot like Caleb. I plan to lead a charge of soldiers 40 years younger than I and kill some giants!
