Bar Kan

Bar kan

The Bar Kan home was constructed in January 2006. It is located in the Pursat Province of the Western region of Cambodia.The Bar Kan home set on the outskirts of Pursat, the provincial capital, and is surrounded by small village houses and rice fields. Most houses in this area are wooden or grass dwellings. The villagers in this area primarily make a living by working in the rice fields as rice farmers.Almost 40 percent of the people in this area are searching for employment and 46.4 percent of the families have moved to a different area, due to drought and flood which make it impossible to produce a good agriculture crop. Most of the kids in the Bar Kan home are orphans because their parents died of Malaria or HIV/AIDS. Many of the children have lost one or both parents due to these diseases.Every morning, the children from the home begin their day with a morning devotional. After a time of Bible study, worship, and prayer, they eat breakfast. Some go to school in the morning, and others attend school after lunch. When the children are not in school, they might help with house chores, take a nap, or play.

The children enjoy playing soccer, Cambodian games, and learning traditional dances. In the evening, the children participate in a time of devotionals and review their lessons before going to sleep

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