Holistic Health

Close Call!

 Paul wrote, “because for the work of Christ he came close to death…” (Philippians 2:30). The day before Christmas was not a quiet one for Pow Moi; a 16 year old tribal orphan boy from Olai-Lai. This is the site of a recent revival. This location is a far northern Church/Home in the FCOP system; up in the very peak of the country where Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia are joined. Pow Moi was clearing brush the day before (getting ready for a big Christmas celebration) when the machine he was using kicked back and cut through the tibia, tendon, and …  

What we do Best!

Of all the things I love to write about, nothing gives me more pleasure than to report on the dozens of new Church Home groups started each month. I know there are many we are missing and I apologize to those pastors! FCOP simply doesn’t have enough people and good enough cameras to capture all the great work they are doing in establishing the Kingdom of God in Cambodia by destroying the works of the Devil. We can report hundreds of salvations, healings, deliverances, baptisms in water and in the Holy Spirit. Honestly, we can’t even keep count of them all. Remember your sacrifice is not unnoticed in heaven! May God Bless You …  

The Blessings of the COVID- Crisis

When the devil gives you lemons, ask the Holy Spirit for a lemonade recipe! Churches are still officially on lock-down. The result was predicted to be disastrous. But, the reality has been the scattering of the faithful who open new meetings in their homes and are broadcasting their messages via social media from multiple churches each Sunday-they are reaching thousands of people. The truth of Romans 8:28, “All things work together for good” is only true in context with verses 26 & 27 which tell us that when we pray in the Holy Spirit, God will take the devil’s meanest attacks and …  

Funeral Canceled

The doctors at the hospital sent the body home telling the family that the pastor was dead. Kong Seangny had pastored the church in Anlong Veng for more than twenty-two years. Her grave was dug, the casket was purchased, and FCOP’s General Supervisor Som Art was summoned to perform the funeral. The problem with the funeral is Som Art decided to pray. Why would God raise up an elderly pastor who had gone to her well-deserved reward? The truth is we will never know if she was truly dead; but we do know why God did it. The answer?… To save a dying church.  

Miracles and Healings

Lita, a 9 year old orphan living at FCOP’s Keo Sema Church Refuge Center in Mondulkiri province, was bitten three times on the heel and top of her foot by a Malayan Pit Viper. I could not be more proud of the home parents (Pastor Van and his wife) because upon hearing the young girl’s screams for help, immediately called the other kids of the home to gather around her and began to pray both in the spirit and in the natural.  FCOP National Church staff immediately activated hundreds of prayer warriors all around the nation. Lita had to travel …  

1 in 10,000- The Power of Prayer

The kids FCOP has raised are now the leaders of the movement, and without any foreign presence in Cambodia, managed to navigate through some turbulent times and carry on the work they do best… seeing Cambodia come to Christ.  Seim Reap is a region under powerful territorial spirits. The church went to pray for a 27 year old man who had disappeared from his home in the middle of the night. A spiritual entity had lead him to the foot of Byon Temple in Angkor Wat. After prayer, he was totally normal. In addition to this, multiple healings have taken place …  

Healed from Leukemia

At Siem Reap Church there was a young man who was suffering from leukemia requiring daily blood transfusions. When he came forward for prayer, he extended his hands which were yellow and showed no sign of blood circulation to the extremities. After being prayed for, circulation in his body was restored. He even began to jog back and forth across the room; his health and strength returned. Today, he is still cancer free. We serve a God who heals!   

Funeral Canceled 

The doctors at the hospital sent the body home telling the family that the pastor was dead. Kong Seangny had pastored the church in Anlong Veng for more than twenty-two years. She was the founding pastor who saw the church birthed in signs, wonders, and miracles. Her own sons were raised up from death after eating poisonous frogs, but her church had stagnated. Her grave was dug, the casket was purchased, and FCOP’s General Supervisor Som Art was summoned to perform the funeral. Som Art left Phnom Penh with Dr. Lina and Ra Vy (from our office staff) and drove the 375 kilometers to …  

Why Revivals Don’t Last

Have you ever wondered why revivals never last? The first generation is raised up in the power of God, praying in the Spirit, working miracles, paying a great price for their faith, and God blesses that community (Hebrews 10:32). The second generation comes along and may be faithful church goers but they lose their spiritual zeal and by the third generation the church is dying. God always has a remnant, but they need the power of the Holy Spirit. The son-in-law of pastor Siengny, Nakreing Say, had taken over preaching but he had not seen the miraculous. God brought his mother back …  

Thirty-two Month Covid Absence

Bob and Christal Hollandsworth have served faithfully with FCOP for 15 years. They went back to the US in February 2020 and just returned this November. They never intended to stay away that long but got stuck in the Covid-19 lockdowns. They returned just in time for the first container we’ve imported from the US in over two years arrived. We were sent 8,250 gallons of good quality exterior paint. This is a gift easily worth $100,000 US dollars. We have an assortment of colors that run through yellow, blue, pink, gray, brown and green. Bob and Christal arrived in …  

Merry Christmas!

Mak Sou returned from two weeks in the US on November 20th. She was amazed! She said it was like the “Grinch” showed up and stole the Christmas spirit. She remembers years past when the day after Halloween, Christmas decorations burst forth in every store. She was in Rochester, Minnesota, not a poor city, and there were few Christmas decorations in any of the stores right up to Thanksgiving. The entire world seems to be going through a very difficult time. The Covid lockdowns greatly damaged the economy in Cambodia and apparently every other economy in the world. We want to …  

The Least of the Least

Pa Thom, Theodore Craig Olbrich, turned 76 on October 10th. Theodore was not his mother’s choice for his name but, it was God’s. His mother always told him it was a mistake; however, his first gift was a “Teddy Bear” and that meant that he was named after President Theodore Roosevelt, of the “Rough Riders” fame. Pa Thom hates big celebrations in his honor and so he swore the two guys in the office who knew about his birthday into strict secrecy.  Pa Thom had a plan. Theodore means, “Gift of God”; Craig means, “Rock”. When Theodore’s get an idea in their heads, it is …