FCOP International UPDATES

God keeps us afloat

Honestly, I don’t know how God keeps us afloat, and without sounding arrogant, I don’t know of anyone doing what we are. So, we have to follow George Muller’s model, with a little begging thrown in. We’re broke at the moment, and face a new month of support along with planting a new rice crop, but as I say that, we continue to train leaders, plant churches, rescue children, and develop the economy. I have to acknowledge that somehow, I believe we will survive.  

God was ticked!

God was ticked! The Israelis’ had a bad reputation with Him.  He was tired of their religious ceremonies, fasting, prayers, sacrifices, and ceremonies. So, what did He want? “Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor;Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow.” (Isaiah 1:17) Hey, That’s FCOP!  

A little pain upon my predicamnet

To pile a little pain upon my predicament there are those that try to disparage our work here by claiming we exaggerate numbers, have no depth to our theology, etc.  But, they don’t care for orphans and widows. Look at this, FCOP’s last big annual meeting from ten years ago, and we have grown every year since!. Despite what the critics say, we are the largest church network in the country, and the growth is all a result of following the Holy Spirit    

Manna Pack

  Do you have any idea what it’s like to care for 2500 orphans and widows each month with no guaranteed support? I can hear the gears grinding in our critics heads: “Well, brother, maybe you missed God?” Really? What about this? “Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” “Hmmm”, you think, “Ted, you’re in a grumpy mood this month!” No, I’m not grumpy, I’m grateful for what you, our partners, have done! Feed My Starving Children is a …  

I am not the last forever on this Earth!

I realize that I am not going to last forever on this earth. I do think God has a succession plan, I also believe I may have some faint idea of what that is, but the burden of believing God for $150,000.00 US per month to keep kids alive is too much to pass on to anyone who is not called and anointed to do it. The rice farm has to be developed to carry that financial load, and like a bridge, I can’t build it just half way. It is the giant step toward sustainability. If you know of …  

FCOP Needs More Than Moral Support

  Right now FCOP needs more than moral support. God has established the church here, but I have to tell you frankly, that I believe the reason for our supernatural growth has been God’s blessing upon our care for orphans and widows, as demonstrated by “Dare to Love”. and  teams are a big boost to what we do, they encourage kids, provide a needed project and give you a first hand look at what FCOP is doing to help a nation. Thanks! There is no way we can do this without you!  

Norm Knudsen’s Story

Norm Knudsen, Founder and CEO of Mercy Smiles International, and former director of Children of Promise, passed peacefully in his sleep on Saturday March 25th, 2017 at his home in Alma, Missouri, USA. He was an extraordinary man of empathy, kindness, and great “Father” love. In 1976 Norm was filled with the Holy Spirit and the world turned over. He left his dream executive job in tele-communications, packed up the family, and left his 13-acre hobby ranch in Minnesota. He and His wife Karen headquartered in Missouri and began a 40- year run of directly helping destitute children around the …  

My Grandfather

  My Grandfather worked as a lumberjack in the state of Wisconsin, USA, during the early 1890’s in order to save money to start farming. He used to refer to, “Logjams” when things just started to get plugged up or bogged down. They were a mess! One log getting twisted and out of place could jam up a whole year’s worth of work. They would first try to get logs flowing with long handled pikes called a, “peavey”, but, often have to resort to dynamite to blow them open. I am convinced that the devil loves to create spiritual logjams, and …  

Meeting in Pursat

Getting bogged down with a maintenance mentality is a terrible jam-up for God’s people. Often times, if just the key component can be dealt with, the entire mass starts moving again.  Mak Sou headed up to Pursat Province praying in the Spirit for the gift of ‘discerning of spirits’, to clear the logjam plugging a vibrant movement of God and get it flowing again. God showed her the offending log. There was such a snarled, intertwined mess of bruised egos and wounded spirits, it initially looked like the only answer was to blow the whole thing up. Sou started to use …  

Medical Teams

Fear can give way to a demonic stronghold that can only be broken-up by the overwhelming power of the Holy Spirit. Whole tribes of people are so bound by fear of the spirits that they worship, they remain bound in fear and poverty until a little miraculous Holy Spirit dynamite is touched off. Deliverance is a huge demonstration of God’s power. A Norwegian medical team, led by FCOP Board member, Erik Jensen, from Asialink ministered to 347 sick patients, from animistic tribes in the Northeast region Cambodia. Eighty three received the Lord and there were three people delivered of evil …  

Rice Farm

Stuff just starts breaking down and going wrong, the closer we get to victory, the more intense the fighting becomes. Devils don’t die easy! I know that our rice farm is the key to FCOP’s long term ability to break out of dependency. We’ve had enemies, spiritual and physical, try every form of theft and deception to attempt to destroy the work there. But, when we pull this off, it will be the source of provision for decades of orphaned, separated and abandoned children, and continue to fuel the growth of the church in the region. This is one logjam …  


Physical Healing is blasting powder ordered from heaven. The power of a testimony! This woman came to church last Month. She’d been bleeding for years. The doctors told her she needed a major operation. She was afraid, her children had abandoned her, all their money went to doctors. She came to church last week and received prayer. The bleeding stopped. She went back to the doctor and he told her that she no longer needed the operation, she was completely healed. Her children all came home and received Christ! The next Sunday the alter at her church was filled with people …